Using Google toolbar features to SEO
Like many other useful toolbars out there so is the Google Toolbar. I consider this toolbar must have for any serious search engine optimizer and anyone who searches the internet on a regular basis.
The Google Toolbar has grown significantly in features since inception. It now features several new useful features but the main focus of this article is on those that aid in search engine optimization. So without further ado here’s the Google Toolbar unfolded.
Page Rank
Upon installation of the full Google toolbar you will notice a small bar near the center of it that may or may not be partially filled with a green color as displayed in the diagram below.
This is the Google Page Rank indicator. Pagerank is one of Google’s ways of rating your website and plays a role in the position of your site in their search results. This value is calculated based on several variables including the Pagerank value and the number of sites that link to that page. Sites with a higher page rank tend to have better rankings than other sites if all other things are kept equal. I have personally noticed a significant increase in the search engine placement of our Search Engine Optimization site whenever our Google Pagerank is increased. The Google toolbar enable you to, at a glance, view the Pagerank of your website as well as your competitors’ sites. This helps when looking for sites to engage in with link building as more links coming from sites with a higher Pagerank than yours help to increase your site’s Pagerank. It is also said that when looking for site to link to yours that you should aim for sites with a PR 4 or higher.
A side note
There are times when the Google Toolbar will display your website as having a Pagerank of 0 or even no rank at all. If your site previously had a PR greater than 0 and you notice this, watch it for a while or close your browser and reopen it to check as there are times that this feature seems to be a bit buggy possibly due to updates etc at Google.
Cached Version
When Google spiders your site it records the latest version of your site that it has spidered and this can be viewed using the Google Toolbar by going to the Page Info button and selecting cached version. Your browser must be on the page you would like to see the cached version of at the time you choose to do this.
How can this help you with your SEO campaign?
If you have optimized your website in hopes of increasing your search engine results in Google, this will indicate whether or not Google has updated their database with the new version of your page. If the Googlebot visits your site regularly the cached version of your site will be updated more frequently than otherwise.
Backward Links
The Google Toolbar also has a pretty useful feature that displays all the web pages that link to your web page, which Google counts towards your Pagerank. This information isn’t regularly updated and can’t be expected to take between 1 - 3 months before changes can be seen. Backlinks deal with quality and not quantity. A site with 1000 mediocre backlinks may not have as high a Page Rank as a site with 800 high PR backlinks.
You have the option of adding a highlight feature to your Google Toolbar that highlights all instances of your search term on the web page reached from your search. This can help you see how many times your competitors use specific keywords on their pages and you may modify your SEO campaign accordingly. You may also use this to check your own pages and see if you are or are not using enough of your target keywords on your page for optimum search engine placement.
Besides those features listed above there are also some other cool tools on the Google Toolbar such as:
Popup Blocker: This only works in IE 5.5 or later but is a great addition as we all know that there are many sites on the web that bombard you with popups. Some of these even go as far as almost preventing you from going anywhere else as more and more windows keep popping up. Annoyance factor 10/10.
Google Web Search: You can easily search the web using the Google Search Engine via the Google Toolbar by typing in your search terms in the search box area and then clicking enter or clicking the `Search Web’ button on the toolbar.
Using your blog to get one way links
Blogs are a great tool. They allow you to add new, fresh content to your site. They are also a great way to build readership. Think about all the blogs you read. I'm sure that if you're reading this, you're also likely subscribed to a few or at least check them on a daily to weekly basis. Why? Is it because it is entertaining, informative or both? Blogs have been given a bad name because of splogs.
So, how does all this help you get one way backlinks. Preferrably, you want people to link to you naturally. The best way to do that is to give them something worth linking to. Let's say I was an MS Office guru. My blog might be about relatively unknown tips and tricks on how to use MS office or for creating calenders and spreadsheets. Many people who work with MS office would be interested in that. They may like the tips so much that they list it on their blog or site.
What makes a good blog? Information? Yes! Consistency? Absolutely! However a great blog has to have its own style and flare. A blog that invites its readers to participate in the post is a golden rule. That's almost a guaranteed way to ensure that people will be coming back for more.
If you want to get traffic to your blog, one of the best ways is to leave comments on other blogs. Keep in mind, however, that it has to be done in a smart way. People can always tell when something is spam, so avoid being so obvious. Limit your posts to those blogs that are at least somewhat related to your blog. If a blog is about automobiles and you try to plug your aquarium business, you'll do more harm than good. Go to blogs that are related and take part in the discussion. The more informative and intellectual your comments are, the better chance your post will stay around long enough to be read. That is how you can start to build your readership. If you can convince people what you have to say is worth reading, they will come and read it.
Regardless of what you do to get people to your blog, the proof is always in the pudding. If you can't keep them coming back, all the advertising and work you put into creating traffic will mean nothing.
As social bookmarking has developed and grown in popularity, many social bookmarking services offer web feeds for their lists of bookmarked pages which are commonly organized by tag groups. This enables subscribers to feeds to be made aware of new bookmarks as they are tagged and shared by other users.
By having bookmark buttons displayed, a simple click will automatically forward the user to the relevant website or webpage. Tagging enables users to store the sites they wish to re-visit by using words which they decide for themselves, therefore making retrieval even easier.
By using tagged keywords, search engine optimization companies can effectively use social bookmarking to increase the volumes of traffic to a website. The use of social bookmarking is also used to drive more traffic to a website or webpage as potential and existing visitors to a website can simply bookmark the site without the need for time consuming and somewhat tedious searching of each social bookmarking website.
Each social bookmark also has the potential of being a back link to a website. This will help increase traffic to the site and enable search engine spiders to crawl and indexed the site more often. When social bookmarking services such as the popular Deli.ci.ous are used, the tagged and saved websites can then be seen by other users who have the opportunity to click through to the site or webpage that has been tagged by others. This increases the amount of users who are able to see webpage’s that are of particular interest without having to carry out extensive searches themselves. Likewise, webpage’s that others have tagged and saved on public social bookmarking websites are shown immediately the moment a new tag is added. This is how bookmarking becomes ’social’ rather than just having private bookmarks saved on individual browsers.
Extra features such as the ability to import and export bookmarks from browsers, emailing bookmarks, web annotation and social networking sites have further increased the use of social bookmarking as a website marketing tool which is used in conjunction with search engine optimisation to make a website more visible. Te more frequently a webpage is bookmarked the greater the chances it has of being found. Using social bookmarking websites as a internet marketing tool also provides the opportunity to find out how many times a webpage has been bookmarked by users on particular social bookmarking websites.
Social bookmarking has a distinct advantage over more traditional resource locators such as search engine spiders as all tag-based classification of Internet resources is performed by people who understand the content of the resource as opposed to software which algorithmically tries to determine the meaning of the resource. Users also have the ability to locate and bookmark webpage’s which have not yet been indexed or noticed by search engine spiders.
Social bookmarking is the term given to a method of storing and managing websites and webpage’s by a user saving links to their preferred websites which they want to locate easily or share with others.
SEO Tips and Steps
It is really the time when thousands of websites are built daily. You will really find so many websites on each topic that you can get really confused. However it is quiet clear that you would like your website to come at the top in the search engine list. You will definitely find it better if it is so. But you should keep in your mind that gone is those days when you used to spam your own website with keywords. Today if you want your website to rank high then you will have to look out for the search engine optimization. You will have to create SEO content. If you will create SEO content then you will really find out that you will have lots of traffic on your website.
So the question arises that what can we call an SEO content. I must say that SEO content comprises of keywords which are related with the matter. You will have to get these keywords into your content. So writing great SEO content for your website is a must. You will definitely find yourself in real profit if you will create SEO content for your website.
The first step will be to come up with the keywords which you want to use. You will have to highlight this in your content at one or two places. You must make sure that you do not over use the keyword. You can use it in two or three places and it will be more than enough. You can highlight it with the bold character if you do want. While searching for the keyword you should ask yourself that what would you search for if you are talking about some topic like car? You will definitely talk about mileage, engine and so on. In this way you will get a list of keywords which you can use in your content. You will definitely find these keywords to be great.
After you have created a list you can then make sure that you have the best keywords. You can always search with the help of those keywords and find out that what the search lists are. The keyword which will generate the best search list can be a part of your content.
After all this it is the time to write the content. You can come up with two conclusions and that is either you can yourself write the content or you can always hire a freelance writer and ask him to write for you. You will definitely find it great as far as your job is concerned.The final step will be to decide that how the content reads out to be like. You must make sure that it should sound good. If it is not sounding good then you should make proper changes in it. In this way you will be able to form SEO content.
Importance of Search Engine Optimization for your Online Business
Did you know that about 90 percent of all web site traffic is generated by search engines? Yes, it is true! Listing near the top page of search engines and obtaining the attention of your target audience should be a main priority for any web site Search Engine promotion.
Ethical Search Engine Optimization is of long-term benefit and a well written website will considerably increase the ROI (return on investment). Well known search engines in online market world like Google, Yahoo and MSN rank websites according to their complex algorithms, which are designed to conclude which websites are most relevant for particular search terms.
As we discussed earlier about SEO, we move a bit further about SEO Services and its importance on Online Market. Search Engine Optimization - SEO includes a number of different factors. Some of the most important factors in the equation include keyword density, Meta Tags, Link Popularity or
The first step in Search Engine Optimization is keyword research and density refers to the number of times a particular keyword is used in the content of your website. Secondly, Meta Tags are part of HTML code which search engines use in evaluating the content of a website. Generally
Links to site are as important as "backbone" to human being! So in this way, Link Popularity is also considered important for search engines to rank websites. Inbound links refer to links on other websites which point to your website. This means you should ensure the website providing inbound links to your website are high ranking websites to receive the most benefit from these links.
Finally and the most important factor is CONTENT. Content of your website can boost up your search engine rankings in major search engines. Most SEO firms hold a staff of writers who are skilled at providing quality content which is also optimized for relevant keywords according to given industry. This will surely impact your rankings as said earlier and your website is not only making valuable impression to your visitors but also considered valuable to search engines.
In short, SEO can have a high impact on a company's online presence, but again it takes time to learn, time to develop and time to implement. You should seek to determine what level of need you have in SEO strategy and only then should you seek to implement the ideas.
Most of the people think that website designing and search engine optimization is the same thing. But you must know that these two are completely different things. As far as website designer is concerned it basically deals with designing a beautiful website. However as far as SEO is concerned it basically means online marketing. The SEO is the technique of improving the volume and quality of traffic so that more searcher visit the site and also the website should come at the top of the search engine list.
This is really something which requires some kind of optimization. SEO requires optimization in content and also optimization in HTML code so that the website comes first in the search engine search list. As far as web designing is concerned, if you are one of them then you will be just required to design the templates for the web page and also finally design the whole website so that it looks great. However at this level there is no provision that you have to take some step for optimization. This is really not the work of web designer. If you ask the same company to optimize your website then they will ask their SEO whom they hire to do the job. The web designers will have nothing to do with it.
The SEO take into consideration, that how search engine works and what the people are looking for. You will have some keywords which will related to the most common type of searches and also according to the type, your website is. You can use those keywords repeatedly in your contents and you will definitely soon find out that your website comes in the top of the search list.
You will have to keep in mind that what the people are really looking for. Accordingly you will have to change your content. You will see that more traffic will come to your website and you will definitely find yourself to be very popular within few days. But you really require a person who will do the optimization for you. He is called search engine optimization. You will definitely find it much better if you will go for the search engine optimization. You should keep in mind that there are millions of websites and you will find that most of the people see only the first or second page of the search list. Hence if you will not o for search engine optimization then your website will never be visited by anybody. Yes advertisement will work but they are much more costly than SEO. You should really take advantage of SEO. However as far as website design is concerned it is too very important but is different from the SEO as I have explained you.
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